The Gritty Man Club Consent Form


Waiver of Liability:  By watching these videos, listening to the MP3 downloads and using this program, I understand fully and agree to be the subject of a hypnosis/progressive relaxation techniques and NLP program and I accept full responsibility for any and all injury arising from the hypnosis, NLP, MP3 downloads and Success Modules. I shall hold harmless all parties involved in the hypnosis, NLP, MP3 downloads and Success Modules including the Gritty Man Club, Bryan Mandrell, administrators, employees, founders, directors and assistants.

By watching these videos, listening to the MP3 downloads and using this program, I understand fully that results vary and that the above name practitioner may not guarantee results.

I also understand that hypnosis/progressive relaxation techniques, NLP and any information or downloads in this program are not “mind control” and I cannot be made to do what I don’t want to do and I understand that any unwanted suggestions cannot be implanted into my mind.

I fully understand that I cannot be made to or suggested to buy or use any programs, information or products from Bryan Mandrell now or in the future. All purchases that made are made now and in the future are a willing and conscious decision that I made and I take full responsibility for those purchases.

Hypnosis, the MP3 downloads NLP and any information in this program is not a replacement for medical treatment, psychological or psychiatric services or counseling. I also understand that the Hypnotist does not treat, prescribe for or diagnose any condition.

By watching these videos, listening to the MP3 downloads and using this program, I also understand fully that I will not watch or listen to any videos or MP3 downloads or information provided in this program while walking, driving, using heavy equipment or any activity that I need to be fully aware of my surroundings. I agree that I will only watch/listen to the videos, the MP3 downloads and Success Modules in a safe and appropriate place. 




Disclaimer:  Bryan Mandrell is neither a trained psychologist nor a medical doctor. At no time will Bryan Mandrell attempt to provide medical or mental health therapy. You affirm that hypnosis/progressive relaxation techniques, NLP and all information in this program is appropriate for you and does not conflict with existing medical or psychiatric treatment. Always follow the advice of your doctor or other professional medical practitioner.

By moving forward with the Gritty Man Club program you agree that you fully understand and agree with the above consent form.