Top 30 Best Life Advice From Men in 5 Words or Less…

I see it all the time, older men are always trying to give advice to men and share their “wisdom” on what they’ve found to be the secret to living a successful life.

Men seem to have this primal urge to help the next generation of men to avoid the struggles of life which they have experienced.

This is great because every man needs a community of men helping each other out but it’s hard wading through all of the “wisdom” which has been bestowed on us from the generation before us.

I wanted to make it a little bit easier to figure out what is the best advice and make life easier for you.

So, I put together a list of the 30 best pieces of advice I’ve heard men give to other men, in 5 words or less.

  1. Lefty loosy… righty tighty
  2. Don’t be an idiot – Hmmm… read that one again, that could save you a lot frustration in the future!
  3. You are enough to succeed
  4. You are not a victim
  5. Point the finger at yourself
  6. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable
  7. Past doesn’t equal the future
  8. Sometimes things go wrong… re-adjust
  9. Knowledge is power
  10. Don’t get by… get better
  11. Don’t pee on electric fences
  12. Be 1% better today
  13. Actions are louder than words
  14. Get a vasectomy NOW
  15. Be manly, do manly things
  16. Stay away from my ex – “She’s crazy!”
  17. There are no short cuts
  18. You create your own happiness
  19. Live like you are dying
  20. Yoga pants do not lie
  21. Life’s how you make it
  22. Don’t die having any regrets
  23. Don’t go into debt
  24. Life’s not about you
  25. Progress… not perfection
  26. It sucks for everyone
  27. Check toilet paper before sitting
  28. Life is 75% perception
  29. Take 100% responsibility
  30. Don’t take advice from strangers!

There are a few pieces of advice I wish I had known when I was younger and it would have made my life a lot easier.


  • Don’t be an idiot
  • Check toilet paper before sitting – especially at the Flying J Truck Stop in Barstow, C.A.
  • Stay away from my ex – “She’s crazy!” – Yup, that would have been a good one to know when I was young and in the Air Force. #nightmare

The Gritty Man Success Club is all about making life easier for men… hopefully there’s a piece of advice which can help you navigate through life and make it easier for you in the future.