1 Easy Tactic to Control Your Stress and Anxiety Now

how to control stress and anxiety
Can you believe how crazy things have been lately?

What I want to do is share an easy but very powerful gritty tactic that I’ve been using for over 20 years to take control of my stress and anxiety.

I’ve been teaching men this same gritty tactic for over 18 years to take control of their stress and anxiety too.

This has been battle tested and proven to work.

In order to take control of your stress and your anxiety, you have to learn to take control of your mindset.

Men are always asking me: “How do I take control of my mindset?”

My answer always is… “The first step to taking control of your mindset is to understand how your mind works, right?

Once you learn how your mind works then everything in life is much easier!”

Our primate mind makes up the worst case scenarios, it’s always thinking negative.

This is how we, and our minds have evolved through millions of years of evolution.

You’re seeing it right now, during this time of COVID-19 and Self Quarantine.

As a human primate, we naturally run these big, scary and negative scenarios of “what could possibly happen in the future?”

how to control stress and anxiety
For example, our primal fascination with toilet paper!

Here’s a truth… we never had a shortage of toilet paper.

But people thought… oh my god, I’m stuck in my house, I won’t be able to go to the store.

They then thought of all those big, bad and scary scenarios of what was “going to happen in the future” if they couldn’t wipe their private parts. 

This is just another example of how evolution plays a very big and important role on how you think, feel and function every day.

You’re still that same dude physically and mentally who lived 10,000 years ago but more of that in the Gritty Man Club.

To take control of our negative self-talk, which is one of the root causes of our stress and anxiety,

you must ask yourself this very simple, but very powerful question—“How Do I Know That’s True?”

How do I know it’s true that I’m going to run out of toilet paper? You don’t!

How do you know it’s true… that all of these scary scenarios of “what could possibly happen in the future,” will happen? You don’t!

You don’t know, because they hadn’t happened yet, right?

That’s important so I’ll say it again…

You don’t know it’s true because it hasn’t happened yet!

It’s just a story or fake crap your mind is making up!

When you have your negative self-talk, the thing you must understand is… you’re going to have it, it’s natural, it’s normal, it’s how you’ve evolved!

You cannot avoid it, you can’t distract away from it… you’re going to have negative self-talk and for most of us, it’s pretty much all day long!

When you have that negative self-talk, ask yourself this question… “How do I know that’s true?”

If you don’t know it’s true, accept that thought, it’s okay to have that thought. I’m okay.
Focus on now on what’s happening now.

how to control stress and anxiety
“Focus on all the things which are positive, the positive things that are happening RIGHT NOW, THIS MINUTE in your life, with your friends and family.

Be grateful for what you have.

Here’s what I try to remember when I start getting stressed…

I can only change the things which are under my control, which, in reality is very little.

I accept the things which I cannot control and I let them play out the way they do.

There’s a great Japaneses saying: Things turn out the way they do.”

If you still feel stressed… you can always throw on some guided meditation and break your stress cycle.

P.S. If you’re running low on toilet paper and you have a wife or girlfriend, be a man and go hunting for a Big 12 Mega Pack of Charmin Ultra Strong. This will reduce her stress levels and that’s a very important part of being a man.