How to Create a Balanced Life… Use the Stop Light Method and Follow These 3 Easy Steps

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One of the biggest complaints and struggles I’ve seen in men is creating and maintaining a balanced life.

Because of the quarantine, now is the perfect time to take action and learn how to create a balanced life.

If you want to create a balanced life, you must understand the three categories of activities which you have in your life.

  1. Activities which moves you towards your goals, energizes you and fulfills your life.
  2. Activities which you don’t like doing but you have to do or feel obligated to do.
  3. Activities which don’t serve you anymore, moves you away from your goals, makes you stressed out, drains you.

Most men have not taken the time to assess what they are doing and why they are doing them. They feel unfulfilled in life because they are doing busy crap which does not move them towards their goals and fulfills them.

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Here’s a simple way of balancing your life and discovering what activities you need to eliminate—I call it the Stop Light Method.

I‘ve been teaching it to my clients for years and it really helps them to create the balanced life they’re searching for.


Imagine a Stop Light—it has three lights and each light is a category of activities.

Green Light

Your perfect life – All the things which ARE working, things which move you closer to your goals, energizes you and fulfills your life.

Yellow Light

Minimum standards – Things you feel you have to do or feel obligated to do.

Red Light

Danger – What’s not serving you and moving you away from your goals—keeps you off the success path, making you stressed and draining you.

Everything activity you do in your life falls into one of these categories of “lights.”

Here are the 3 easy steps to creating a balanced life:

Step 1. Sit down, think and write down all the activities that you were doing before the quarantine and which light or category do they fall into.

Step 2. Dump all the activities in the Red Light Category out of your life ASAP! Red light activities are not worth your focus, time or energy and dump that crap out of your life ASAP!

Step 3.  Decide what in the yellow light is worth your focus and energy on?  Then do these activities as fast as you can and then move to your Green Light activities.

In order to have a balanced, successful and fulfilled life, you have to move people, things, activities, etc… from one light to another in order to SIMPLIFY YOUR LIFE!
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The Gritty Man Club is all about having men take the time to balance their life and showing them the right activities to do every day which moves them towards that fulfilled life.

If you’re curious and want to learn more and create a balanced life, we have a Free Success Manual which dives deeper into the Stop Light Method and it will walk through the entire process to creating a balanced and fulfilled life.

Just let us know where you want us to send it and start balancing your life today.