Gritty Pic – Bryan Mandrell

gritty man club, pic of the week, backpacking

Throwback Thursday this is me over 10 years ago on my first multi-day backpacking trip. 

LMAO… obviously no one had ever taught me how to pack a backpack or even how to backpack!

FYI, this is how you DON’T pack your backpack. 

“The more you know the less you need” is my Mantra now when it comes to backpacking.

Even with this “thing” on my back that was dragging me off the trail every other step, this is one of my favorite trips ever and this was the trip which inspired me to build the Gritty Man Club.

So, matter your skill level or the equipment you have, you can still get outside, into nature and have a life changing experience.

Get out from behind your desk and put some adventure in your life. 

P.S. it looks like I’m going to the Flea Market to sell my old junk my wife told me to get out of the garage!  🙂